
#DuPSUG - PowerShell Remoting - Slide deck & scripts used


Hi all,

As I had mentioned in my previous post, I gave a presentation last week at the Dutch PowerShell UserGroup [DuPSUG] about PowerShell Remoting.

It was my first time presenting in front of a crowd [approximately 55] which weren’t my colleagues [and even there at max like 10-15 people] or a handful of customers, so to say the least I was quite anxious.

Thanks to some great tips by Jeff Wouters and Ben Gelens I made it through and when clicking to the second slide I went into automatic pilot mode 🙂

As promised at the event and in the previous post, here are the slide deck and scripts used in the presentation. The slide deck includes my personal notes and resources used in case you want to read up more on the subject.

I don’t mind other people re-using this content, just please give credit where credit is due.

PowerShell Remoting – Theory & Practice - Slide Deck

PowerShell Remoting - Theory & Practice - Scripts

Happy scripting! 🙂